Notice - Rate Increase
September 27, 2023
New rates - Effective November 2023 billing cycle.
When you consider all your utilities, water is particularly important because it is an essential part of everyday life. As your water provider, it is our responsibility to consistently provide you and your family with reliable and safe drinking water.
Manville Water Supply Corporation is facing unprecedented rising costs for new infrastructure as well as improvements to the existing infrastructure to maintain the water system. Rate increases are necessary to support projects that are critical for improving and maintaining the system infrastructure, to support the escalating costs of operations, to maintain our anticipated Debt Service Coverage Ratio, and costs of procuring additional water sources to meet the needs of our current and future members.
NewGen Strategies and Solutions, our independent rate consultant, has completed a long-range cost-of service rate analysis and determined the current rate structure is not adequate to support the Corporations Cost of Doing Business. The Manville Board of Directors approved the proposed rate increases presented at the September 26, 2023, board meeting.
Though subsequent years will also require additional rate increases, Manville WSC will make every effort to meet its financial goals and contain costs, while continuing to provide dependable and quality water to our members.
For new rates please click here.